Wisdom in every Moment

Registration will open July 1st

Fri 4th of Sept – Wed 9 of Sept, 2020. The retreat will be held online via Zoom.

During this 5 day long retreat, we will explore a mindfulness practice inspired by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya, based on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Sati Patthana) with an emphasis on awareness of the qualities of mind. The practice encourages relaxation of body and mind while paying close attention to present moment experience, and the quality of the mind that meditates. The practice unfolds through continuity of awareness in all activities. 

This retreat will provide an opportunity for retreatants to determine their own rhythms of sitting and walking practice at home. Much of the retreat will be structured for ”self-directed practice”. Daily practice guidance will be provided through morning instructions, Dhamma talks, Q&A sessions and small group discussions. 

About Andrea

Andrea Fella has been practicing Insight Meditation since 1996, and was quickly drawn to intensive retreat practice. She has done a number of long retreats, both in the United States and in Burma. During one long practice period in Burma, she ordained as a nun with Sayadaw U Janaka. She has been particularly influenced by the teachings of Sayadaw U Tejaniya. Andrea is especially drawn to the wisdom teachings of the Buddha. Her teachings emphasize clarity and practicality. She is a member of the Spirit Rock Guiding Teachers Council, and teaches residential retreats at Spirit Rock, Insight Meditation Society, and other retreat centers. You can hear some of Andrea’s dharma talks at www.audiodharma.org.

About Anne

Anne Patrikainen has practiced vipassana meditation since 2004 and sat numerous retreats in Europe, USA, and Asia. She has studied in Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioners’ Program and Advanced Practitioners’ Program, and is currently a participant in the 2018-2021 Bodhi College Teacher Training Programme. Andrea has been privately mentoring Anne in her studies and teaching since 2014. Besides Andrea, the teachers she has assisted include James Baraz, Alexis Santos, Greg Scharf, Zohar Lavie, Yuka Nakamura and Leela Sarti. Anne’s background is originally in computer science, but in addition to teaching, she now works part-time as a psychologist.  

The retreat schedule is below, it has been crafted taking into account that Andrea is offering her teachings from California.  It includes periods of teaching, guided meditation and opportunities for Q&A with Andrea, optional discussion groups and guided meditations with Anne Patrikainen. There will also be a few scheduled peer led sittings with the community each day, but largely you will be encouraged to practice in your own rhythms.  Please commit to fully attend the teaching sessions offered each day by Andrea.  We do understand that your lives may not allow you to participate in the entire daily schedule.

All the times are Central European Summer Time (CEST) (Sweden). 

FRIDAY September 4:

6.45 pm

Check in for Zoom technicalities.

7:00 – 9:00 pm

Opening Announcements (managers) and Initial Instructions (Andrea).  

Saturday September 5 – Wednesday September 9

6:30 – 7:30 

Morning Instructions/Guided Meditation  (Andrea)

9:30 – 10:15 Unguided meditation (optional). 

10:30 – 11:30 Group Meetings (Anne). 

2:00 – 2.45 pm Guided Meditation and Sitting (Anne).

Continue practicing on your own rhythms with formal sitting and walking meditation or daily activity meditation.

4:30 – 5:15 pm Unguided formal meditation (optional). 

7:00 – 9:00 pm Guided Meditation/Reflection/Q&A (Andrea). 

Fee: 1000 SEK

Registration: Register by paying the fee, SEK 1,000, to Vipassanagruppen’s account Plus Giro 17 43 75-6; enter name, address, email address, mobile number and year of birth, and retreat code AF. If payment is made via the Internet and the information cannot be sent, send it in a separate email to vipassanagruppen@gmail.com. The registration fee is non refundable. 

The teacher and manager do not receive any payment for their services, but offer them freely so that as many as possible have the chance to benefit from the teachings regardless of financial situation. This principle of generosity is very central to the teachings of the Buddha, and has made it possible to continue the practice of meditation still 2,500 years after his life. The teachers live primarily off donations. Retreat participants may support the teachers and manager by donations at the end of the retreat – this can be done through Swish (no 123 440 5932) or the bank account below.

Payment from abroad:  

Bank name: Nordea


IBAN: SE73 9500 0099 6026 0174 3756

For more information, email usvipassanagruppen@gmail.com

In case of cancellation, please inform us as soon as possible.

Warmly welcome, 
