Touching the Earth – Affirming and Embodying Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha

  • Silent online retreat with Catherine McGee, May 21-23rd 2021
  • Commitment level: as wholeheartedly as your circumstances allow.
    With periods of formal meditation and periods of reflecting upon our relationship with the path of practice and the three jewels.
  • There will be optional practice groups offered with Catherine and optional break out inquiries with fellow meditators.

The Buddha’s teachings offer a pathway to discover inner peace, freedom and the compassionate heart. Through understanding the way things unfold, we can come to know what it means to awaken in the midst of our life, to be intimately connected to our experience, and yet not bound by it.

This retreat will offer an opportunity to explore and deepen the profound and transformative practices of Insight (vipassana) meditation and Loving Kindness (metta) as vehicles for an embodied awakening of our boundless human potential.

Insight Meditation connects us with our  awakening capacity to awaken to ever deepening levels of calm, love and wisdom in life. In this retreat we will learn to welcome our experience while rooted in a deep connection with our body, as a basis for a restful, steady, and attentive presence. As the qualities of mindfulness and calm naturally grow, we will bring wisdom to bear on the movements of mind and the art of release. As inner strength, sensitivity and clear-seeing deepen, we come to more deeply embody the awakened heart that is closer to us than our very breath. We will include the practice of Loving Kindness to support fearlessness, forgiveness, and the fullness of our loving and radiant heart: embodied as a natural caring for ourselves and a boundless love for all beings.

Catherine McGee has practiced and studied Buddhist meditation with senior teachers from Asia and the West. She has been teaching insight meditation at Gaia House in England, and internationally since 1997.

Språk: Engelska

Tid: Fredag 21 maj kl 9.15 – Söndag 23 maj ca kl 20.00
Plats: Online via zoom

Pris: 500 SEK

Anmälan: Anmäl dig via denna länk. Obs att avgiften inte återbetalas vid avbokning.


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